Why should you love God with all your heart?

Matthew 22:37 says, “You must love theย Lordย your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Jesus took all ten commandments and summed them up into two commands, which he called the greatest commandments. Today, I will cover the first one of the two.

What does this command mean?

Why should you give God your full love?

It means that we must put God first. We must fully love God. We need to surrender ourselves to our loving heavenly father. We must not allow what we want in life to take the place of God’s will for our lives. If we love God, we will obey him and follow where he leads; this shows our love for him. He must take first place.

All decisions we make require us first to ask God his thoughts on what we are doing. Then we must heed his advice and follow what he says. The Bible is the easiest way to learn what God wants us to do. He shows us his plans for us each day if we are willing to open his word and listen to him.

Any decision we make should be carefully thought through by seeking his guidance. He has an opinion on everything we do. If you ask him a question, he will answer you with: yes, no, or wait. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Although a lot of times, I struggle with the “Waiting” part. It’s hard not to act on something because our human nature is an “I want it now” mentality. But we need to have patience and wait for God’s timing.

Breath Prayers

We can love God with our minds by praying continuously throughout the day. This kind of prayer is called a breath prayer. You can say a breath prayer while driving, at work, or even cleaning the house. If a person angers you and you are about to respond angrily, take a minute and silently say a breath prayer to God to help you act in a Christ-like fashion towards this person.

Daily Devotions

God has the world in the palm of his hands

If we are going to love God with all of our soul, we need to read our Bible every morning before heading out into a world that can be very cruel. Even though God has the world in the palm of his hands, the devil is everywhere, and we need to be prepared. We need to put on the armor of God so that we do not succumb to provocation by people that try to get us to act ungodly. Ephesians 6:11 says that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the devil.


We can’t have a love for God if we are not humble. We need to heed God, and that requires humility. If we truly want to allow God to control our lives, it will show when our actions show Jesus in us by surrendering to his will. People will see that we are choosing God’s way and not our own.

Why should you love God with all your heart? God will bless you if you do. Start every morning by opening your Bible and praying for God to speak to you. Ask him to explain to you what you are reading. As you go through your day, say breath prayers, especially when the devil is tempting you. Finally, do a daily devotion to put on the armor of God so you are prepared for any situation that may arise. Don’t forget to allow God to reflect in all of your actions because it will show humility.

Do YOU love God with ALL of your heart?

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