“I Love You!” 3 little profound words, but more important than anything you will ever realize.

What if your dad never said, “I love you?” Would you feel unworthy of love?

Picture of me and my dad when he first told me he loved me.
What If Your Dad Never Said, “I Love You?” Picture of my dad and me.

When my son was nineteen years old, he got involved with very dangerous people. One night, he went to a bad part of town. He didn’t know that he would never walk away from the very spot where he met this stranger. Earlier that night, he called me and said, “I love you.” I told him, “I love you, too.” Those were the last words we ever spoke to each other. He was murdered a few hours later.

I was 46 years old and never heard my dad say, “I love you!”

My son passed away when I was 46 years old. But because God willingly sacrificed his own son, Jesus, to show his love for me, I know my son is in heaven since he became a Christian when he was only 7 years old. I had to unwillingly watch my son die, and through that, God showed me my earthly father’s love.

Up to this point in my life, I had not heard the words “I love you” spoken to me by my dad. While at my son’s funeral, I walked over to my dad and mustered up the courage to tell him how I felt, “You know, dad, I have never once heard you tell me that you love me. It really hurts not to hear those words from you. I hope that you can someday tell me before it is too late. I love you, dad.” I blindly walked away from my dad, with my tears clouding my vision.

How my dad almost killed me.

About 3 days later, I was out in my driveway, and my dad pulled in. He said a few inconsequential things to me but what he said next turned my knees to jelly. He was getting ready to leave, and after starting the truck, he looked right at me and said, “I love you,” and then he quickly pulled out of my driveway. I almost fell to the ground when my heart started pumping too hard. That was the best gift my dad has ever given me!

Finally, after 46 years, I heard the most precious 3 words that anyone can say to someone they love. I will never forget that moment.

A few weeks later, my sister called me and told me that she almost wrecked her car. I asked her what happened, and she said that dad called her and told her that he loved her. He also started telling my mom. Those 3 words changed all of our lives. Our relationships improved, and we connected on a deeper level.

Imagine if my son wouldn’t have called me before he died. I would have a very different last memory of him.

Having the last words “I love you” said by someone who has passed on in the most important memory. A memory you will treasure forever.

It is equally important for us to tell our friends and family that we love them too. What if you never see that person again? I didn’t know I would never talk to my son again when we meaninglessly said those words to each other. Tell everyone what you want to say to them now because you never know how much your words will mean later.

Please do not wait until it is too late!!!

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