Does God want to give you money? Or is money your God?
What is your strongest desire? Is it to get rich? Most people say that they want to get rich. But is getting rich what God wants for us? To find out the answer to this, we need to read the Bible to know God better.
Proverbs 3:9—10 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.”
Leviticus 27:30 says, “One-tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain from the fields or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord and must be set apart to him as holy.”
Does God want to give you money?
That depends. Obedience is the test of your faith, so do you do what He commands? God tells you to give 10% of your income to Him. If you believe God will meet your needs, you will trust Him and have the faith that He will do what He says.
God is delighted when you trust Him, and He wants to bless you more. Blessings don’t always mean money. They can come in other forms or possessions, but they are blessings nonetheless.
God wants to give you money, possessions, or many different blessings.
When you don’t give 10% of your income, that means that you don’t trust God to take care of you. If you don’t trust God to take care of you by giving 10% of your income, He may not bless you.
The purpose of tithing is to teach you to put God first in your life. He is the maker of everything, and everything belongs to Him. It was never yours in the first place. He just lent it to you.
God doesn’t need your money. He wants what your money represents–your heart and your trust. If you don’t give Him what rightfully belongs to Him, God will not bless you like He wants to. We will all one day give an account to God for how we handled our trusted possessions.
If God blesses you with material possessions or money you should help others.
Proverbs 28:27 says, “Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.” If you want God to bless you with more possessions, you must give to others out of what you have. It’s the same as you would like someone to do for you if you were in need. Remember that the next time you see someone in need, because it may be a test from God.
God uses people to bless you, and He uses you to bless others. A lot of times, God won’t bless you because you don’t believe He will. When you learn more about God’s character through his word, you will have faith that God wants to bless you. This will allow you to open your heart to others so that you can receive your blessings from God.
Are you limiting how much God can bless you?
Let me give you an example of how you may limit yourself to receive the blessings God wants to give you. You are a game show contestant, and you get to enter a money booth. The host allows you to take anything you want into the booth. You enter, and the host tells you to grab all of the money you can in one minute.
The clock starts. Money is blowing all around you. You fill your pockets and shove money in your clothes. There is still so much money flying around you, but you drop what you have every time you try to grab more money.
Don’t you wish you would’ve taken a garbage bag in with you? It’s the same way with God. Sometimes we limit the blessings God will give us because we only ask for something small. Our God is big enough to do anything you can imagine, and He wants to bless us, so think big.
Money is just one of the things God blesses you with. Our God can bless us with big or small things. Money can be one of the ways He blesses you, but there are so many other ways He can bless you. Sometimes you don’t even know when He’s blessing you. Remember to thank Him when He blesses you.
God loves a cheerful giver.
Being a cheerful giver means you need to have the right attitude and help others because you want to. Then you need to believe that He will bless you. God doesn’t bless you because you deserve it; he blesses you because you are generous despite your circumstances.
Jesus gave sacrificially by giving His life for you. There isn’t anything you can give to match that gift. To give as Jesus gave, you need to give cheerfully, sacrificially, and regardless of your circumstances. Do you love God and have the faith to do this?
You cannot out-give God!
Everything in this post is my opinion. I cannot guarantee God will bless you in any way, but if you want to be blessed, study the Bible and look up other verses that pertain to God’s blessings.
How has God blessed you? How have you blessed someone else?
Our pastor was just speaking on this. He mentioned even the word “give” is not really accurate when it comes to tithing. He gave an example of letting someone borrow his truck for the day. The lender wouldn’t come back to him and say “I’m giving you the keys to this great truck” as if it were a gift. The lender would thank him for lending it out.
God has lent us everything we have and only asks for 10% back.
Thanks for your great reminder!
Wow. It is a great way to view it, but most people wouldn’t understand, although I do AND AGREE. I LOVE it!
Great read! Lots of amazing reminders! I do love giving it makes me feel good to see others smile!
This is so true! I can’t afford not to tithe! It took me a while, but when I realized that God blesses us in so many other ways besides money, it changed my life!! We are truly blessed to be a blessing! Thanks for sharing!!
Lots of amazing reminders! I do love giving it makes me feel good to see others smile!
I love reading about God’s law of tithing. I know beliefs differ on this/how much, and I like reading the different perspectives and biblical accounts to find clarity.
I believe that you get back what you put out into the universe. I frequently give to charity, and also carry around change in case I come across someone in need. I also give in other ways as well, such as even a loaf of homemade bread to a neighbour can give a lot of joy! I think it makes us much more well rounded to give to others.
Beautiful reminders to help keep us living out of love.
I agree with Terra, in that you get back what you put into the universe. Giving can be so creative, with more than just money, but with our time as well.
I think about this a lot. I was a Nurse Practitioner when I first starting foster parenting. I made a good living and things were well with my first daughter and I. But God kept leading me to more children and at some point, I had to consciously chose to live at a much lower income so I could be more available to these children of trauma. It was easy to tithe when I had a lot! It is harder now with less… budgeting is such an important part of making sure things are good for the kids (7 in my home right now). But tithe, I do. Without hesitation.
That is amazing, Karla. God is using you in mighty ways!
Interesting perspective. Goes back to what we try to instill on our kids — giving feels better than receiving. Raised in a Christian household, money was not something that we talked about and I wish that we had as it’s important to instill knowledge and understanding of money instead of viewing it as a bad thing. Money can do so much good in this world too.
I think god has an eternal perspective and our wants and desires for money now are nothing in comparison to what we will get when we return to him, if we live righteously.
What is life if we can’t share our abundance with others. Interesting perspectives and insights. I also agree with Terra also about the karmic way of the universe. Thanks for sharing this.
The beauty in having is being able to share/give. I pray for grace to keep tithing.
Sharing one’s resources – monetary, or with our presence, skills, and knowledge – is important for our communities, and for our own psyches.
Love this, there is a selfish feeling that comes with wanting to be rich. Being a philanthropist allows you to give to others, and thus turning it into selflessness. Great article.
So much of “wealth” is about mindset and our own sense of abundance. Thanks for the thoughts.
Agree, God wants to bless us, through money, through talents, through having friends… it’s just another mean to glorify God.
I love being able to be at a point where I can help others. I agree, you get back what you put out
It is so nice to be in a place where we can afoord to give back. Even when we couldn’t, we did our best. I trylu believe that if you put good out there, it will come back to you in many ways.
Love the idea that God will take care of you if you show Him you’re trying to give to Him.
God will make a way, when one has the heart to give/serve.
Having a full and abundant life is what he came to give us. Abundance takes many forms though. It’s all energy and spirit. What we sow, we reap…what we give, we receive back.
Excellent perspective presenting the Lord’s instruction book! Nice job!
Interesting article. I think those who give unconditionally are the happiest and most blessed. Peace.
Yeah this is true in tithing God blesses you more….but l really need help am a mother no job no money l really feel depressed wish l had a little money to start my own business
I’m so sorry. Please know that I’m praying for you and your situation.