Tammy’s Press Page
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Readers say Tammy’s communication style is “raw,” “heartfelt,” and “real.” That carries over into her eye-opening, honest messages about forgiveness, faith, and love. They are impactful, moving, and relevant. She challenges her listeners to think about the choices they make. Speaking with passion and persuasive power, Tammy’s forgiveness of her only child’s murderer and the loss of her first husband gives her the authority to offer advice without claiming she has all the answers.
Tammy has spoken at churches and podcasts and shared her story in newspapers. Gone in an Instant, her memoir, is impacting the lives of readers, as the reviews show. If Tammy could give you one piece of advice, it would be to love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable—Tammy strives to live by these words every day. Jesus said we are called to love God and love others—these are the greatest commandments.

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Tammy Horvath’s Bio
Head Shots and Book Cover: Upon request
4 blog posts with content related to Gone in an Instant
Why did Tammy write Gone in an Instant? A memoir about losing her son and loving his killer.
- One of the hardest things Tammy ever had to do was to forgive her nineteen-year-old son’s murderer. But she knew God would use her as an example in a sinful world. God forgave Tammy for so many mistakes in her life. He expected no less from her with her son’s killer.
God told Tammy to have faith that He would get her through the most challenging time in her life. She had to learn to trust that God always does what He says when we follow through by doing our part. So she stepped out in faith and forgave Luke’s murderer.
- Then God told her, “Tammy, you’ve trusted me so far. Now I want you to love your son’s killer. I know you can do it. And when you do, I will bless you.” So Tammy again listened and was blessed with a peace beyond all understanding.
After she did the three steps above, God again spoke. “I want you to share your story with the world.” Tammy knew she was called to write Gone in an Instant: Losing my son, Loving his killer. God gave her the title, which was the one thing that never changed about the book. Even with all the editors, proofreaders, cover designers, and back copywriters, no one ever suggested the title did not fit the story. So it began.
It broke Tammy to her core again and again as she relived the nightmare of her son’s death. But God healed her through the writing. She became whole and shared her story with others. It amazed them how peaceful Tammy seemed. She owes it all to God. She is blessed, and she knows it.
Her future is bright. Tammy shares her testimony with everyone who will listen so they can also find Jesus. She hopes that none will perish and spend eternity in hell—instead, she longs for them to accept the same gift of grace Jesus offered her so they can live in heaven when life on earth ceases. While sharing that message, she also shares how to forgive, find faith, and learn to love the unlovable and forgive the unforgivable, as she once was both before she met Jesus.
Sample Interview Questions

- How did you know God wanted you to forgive your son’s murderer?
Did you look for passages in the Bible to see what God has to say about forgiveness?
How quickly did you make your decision?
What did you do to prepare before the murderer’s sentencing hearing?
What did you say when you faced the killer in court and gave your victim impact statement?
Did your son’s murderer have anything to say to you?
Do you love your son’s killer as your subtitle says?
How is your testimony and Gone in an Instant impacting lives?
Are you writing another book?