Picture of Moraine Lake in Canada for book cover for Exploring Mountains and Beaches by Tammy Horvath

Exploring Mountains and Beaches

Journeys Beyond Borders.

Adventures Worth Pursuing.

by Tammy Horvath

A Memoir

What do you hold dear in life? For Tammy Horvath, it’s the relentless pursuit of connecting with others, exploring new horizons alive with wonder, and seizing every moment while she checks off items on her bucket list.

As Tammy explores mountains and beaches in paradise, she’s fueled by the allure of new cultures, creating memories that have made her who she is today. Throughout her island adventures to the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, and Curacao, as well as hikes through national parks in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, surprises lurk at every turn—from navigating floods to fending off avian ambushes. Embracing the chaos, Tammy turns each misadventure into a story worth telling.

Join Tammy on this journey beyond borders, where each step brings her closer to the beauty of life.

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